We are ALL works in progress.
We arrive and leave with no-thing, but the time we have in between is our own unique journey into the unknown!
We learn, we grow, we experience, we create.
We learn some more and keep learning, growing, experiencing and creating!
Each experience moulds us into more of who we truly are.
Eventually we find our true self, the miracle we truly are.
We are all beautiful rare, precious and unique masterpieces!
It matters not how long it takes to achieve this outcome, this knowing. In time you will. Just keep going.
Keep creating, chiseling, sanding, polishing…we are all works in progress!
Just like these beautiful pieces my partner Paolo is making right now.
All originated from nothing, but with care, attention, learnings and tonnes of love…these masterpieces are all being brought to life…one at a time!
( See more of his unique work at )
Keep going…your journey to your greatness (which actually lies within) is evolving too!
Own your greatness.
You are a masterpiece!
If you don't believe this, don't believe you are a beautiful masterpiece, then please msg me...we have some work to do together!! 

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