These are days just for you!
Days when you ‘gift your body’ with love and attention.
Days when you honour and respect your body and yourself for everything he/she has done for you and is still 24/7 doing for you.
How often do you give your full attention to what your body actually needs, requires?
So many of us are so busy ‘doing’ we forget to create space to also allow ourselves to just ‘be’. Be present with our body.
Our bodies should be treated like the temple they are. We do live in them our entire lives after all right.
Are you taking the best care of your body? Do you honour and respect it? It’s never too late to start.
If we don’t listen and honour our bodies, eventually they will force us too. Dis-ease and sickness are oftentimes when we’ve over done things and our bodies force us to stop for a period to regroup, rebalance, reset and to learn the lesson. Some get it. Some don’t unfortunately.
Some continue to abuse their bodies with unhealthy food choices, too much alcohol, some with cigarettes and drugs too. Bodies need movement. A daily simple walk or stretching exercises at a minimum. Even after major life threatening dis-eases, some still don’t get it. It’s such a shame.
Life is our own choice. We all have to choose. We all have to take full responsibility for our own choices, regardless of the outcomes. It’s up to us individually.
Become aware of what your body needs. It will tell you if you take the time to listen.
I’m very aware of my body now. In my younger years not so. I used to abuse her daily…cancer at 28 years old was my wake up call.
Don’t wait for a wake up call. Decide now to take better care of your body. You won’t regret it.
If we don’t take care of our health and well-being now, we will be ‘paying for it’ in many ways later.
Don’t wait.
Self Care regularly 👍👏😁💕
Need assistance to make your body a priority in your life? Msg me. I’d love to support you. You’re SO worth it ❤️

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