Are you a gambler?

A gambler with your food and lifestyle choices?

With the debilitating conditions such as cardiovascular heart diseases, strokes, cancers, diabetes, depression, anxiety, obesity, alzheimers, sudden death etc... on the rise worldwide, there is no better time than right now, to stop and 'check in' with yourself.

'Check in' to look at your current lifestyle and food choices. So many of these dis-eases above can be greatly reduced simply by changing our diets, adding daily exercise into our routine, getting enough quality rest and sleep. Hydrating sufficiently with pure filtered water.

Are the foods you are consuming light and energising, alkalising and full of vital life-force for your body to absorb and use for energy or are they heavy, acidic dead foods which are clogging up your system and weighing you down? 

How often do you physically move your body to keep it subtle, flexible, strong and open to receive renewed energy and oxygen? Some studies say that exercise alone can in itself reduce the effects of anxiety and depression radically. It makes sense. Exercise releases endorphins (our happy hormones)!

Some reports say our entire body is made up of about 66% water. Our bones are composed of 22% water, our muscles 76%, our blood 83%, our lungs 90% and our brains are actually 95% water. It is easy to see why water and hydration play such a critical role in a healthful lifestyle. So are you drinking enough water daily?By the way, alcohol, soft drinks, fruit juices, caffeine coffee and tea are all acid forming, not alkalising.

The general daily rule I follow is 80% alkaline / 20% acid.

There is just so much I could write about this subject.

Please don't gamble with your life.  Choose a healthy lifestyle for yourself and family. Give yourself and family the best chance for healthy longevity.

If you don't look after your health now, you maybe paying for it

'big time' later.

If you'd like a 'HEALTH CHECK UP' to determine how you are doing internally, I can assist you. 

If you've been feeling heavy, exhausted, inflamed, bloated, have flatulence, irritable bowel, sleep difficulties, pain and discomfort, my Bioresonance can test to see what specific pathogens are causing these irritations and then actually treat you to remove them and rebalance you to optimal health and vitality.

There may be certain foods you are consuming which your body is actually sensitive or intolerant to, without you realising it.  I can check this for you.

Contact me and allow me to work with you to give you and your body the best opportunity to life a healthier more balanced lifestyle, please don't gamble with your health.

You've only got one body and it has to last you your entire life.

Treat it with the respect it deserves. Life's just too short not too.

Please don't gamble with your health x


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